Basic Git commands every developer must know πŸš€πŸš€

Basic Git commands every developer must know πŸš€πŸš€


3 min read

git config

  • you must first configure git before you can use it
  • the username and email address that will be used with your commits can be specified using this command
#set up git with your name
git config --global <username>
#set up git with your email
git config --global <useremail>

git init

  • A git repository must first be created before you can make commits or do anything else with it
  • this command is used to initiate a new git repository (creates a .git directory)
    git init

    git clone

  • it is used to create a local copy of a remote repository
  • it uses remote URL to access the repository
    git clone <repo URL you want to clone>

    git add

  • use git add to move files from working directory to staging area
  • the git add stores your modification to a file allowing you to compare your local version to the version in the remote repository
  • use git add to add your new files to the staging area before commiting them
    # to add a file 
    git add <filename>
    # to add all files
    git add .

    git commit

  • this command records the log messages with their ID's of the modifications
  • with git commit you can save the changes made to your local repository
  • everytime you commit code changes you must include concise summary of the changes in your commit message( good practice )
    git commit -m "commit message"

    git push

  • this command is used to push/upload the changes made to a local repository to a remote repository
  • here git push origin (origin means remote ) master (main branch name )
    git push origin master

    git branch

  • this command let's you create, list , rename and delete branches
    #to view list of all branches
    git branch
    #to create new branche
    git branch "branch name"
    #to delete a branch
    git branch -d "branch name "

    git checkout

  • this command is used to switch to an existing branch or to create and switch simultaneously to a new branch using (-b) flag
    #to switch to another branch 
    git checkout "branch name"
    #to create new branch and switch to it 
    git checkout -b "branch name"

git log

  • this command displays log of all commits made to current branch made so far
  • it is used to list the current version history for current branch
    git log

    git merge

  • this command is used to combine the changes of two branches
  • if there were no conflicts than your changes will get merged
  • in case of merge conflicts developer need to first resolve the conflicts than need to merge the changes
  • you should be on branch you want to merge with your parent branch before running the git merge command
    git merge "name-of-branch-to-merge"

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