Least javascript to kickstart your project as a front-end developer

Least javascript to kickstart your project as a front-end developer


2 min read

In this article we r gonna talk about what minimum javascript one should know to start their projects.


As a developer one should be familiar with the basics of the language:-

  • Data-types
  • variable
  • control statement and other basic stuff...

For someone who's just starting out doesn't have to deep dive into the advanced topic such as async/await, promises,callbacks etc... although having a idea about these topics is good.

One should have knowledge of how javascript work behind the scenes to understand the workflow of it..

DOM(Document Object Model)

It's a model that works with javascript to change the style and elements of a webpage after knowing the basics one should practice with DOM manipulation as how a user interacts with your website/webpage depends on it. One should be familiar with the topics such as:- How to select an element How to change(add , remove , update..) an element How to change styles..etc.


When we talk about the responsiveness so basically we interact with web pages through button and link which were the events for example clicking a button or moving to a different page through a link were all events and one should be familiar with EventListeners to handle what will happen next if someone interacts with our website.

By completing the above topics one should be able to make a complete full fledged website which is responsive.



1) Javascript.info (personal favourite🤩)
2) java5cript.com
3) javascripttutorial.net

1) udemy.com/course/the-complete-javascript-co..


Last but not least consistency and practice is the key so learn and apply the concepts that u learn build projects and enjoy.😃

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